From the unruly to the over-styled and immobile, hair can quickly take over a woman’s face and outfit. But like the song goes, our hair cannot and should never define us. Rather our individual sense of style and our creative side should mould the hair, like the winds shape the branches of a tree. But, there are a few rules to be adhered to. The shape of your face should be your first thought. There are 4 basic shapes: oval, square, rectangular and round. Always speak to your stylist about this so they can adapt different haircuts and styles to your face. Next, you need to evaluate your lifestyle. You should be able to maintain your look even the day after a salon visit! Lastly, ladies please remember a simple rule: if a bird tries to lay an egg in your hair, you’ve probably gone a step too far.
Let’s hope these people take these rules into account the next time they visit their hair stylists!